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Something to get depressed about
By Steven | February 27, 2008
The coverage of the story about the effectiveness of anti-depressants. Russell Brown provides some context. Russell also had to clean up the mess 60 Minutes made of the Herceptin story. And who can forget TVNZ’s leap onto the miracle cancer-cure lyprinol bandwagon? I mean, really, can’t we expect the paid journalists to do this work before they run the story? A few years ago, NBR ran a front-page story claiming that an entire year’s tax take was in jeopardy because of a court ruling. It just wasn’t true, as any number of experts could have told NBR. Still, why let that get in the way of a good story? I’m not saying the Herald’s story was that bad. I am saying that when you are prominently featuring a story that’s going to have a powerful impact, you owe it to the public to take extra care to provide context.
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