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By Steven | December 9, 2008

Here’s some free advice to any busker accused of falling foul of Auckland City Council’s extraordinary new policy on street theatre requiring buskers to have a sufficient repertoire of songs to last out their performance (maximum playing time: one hour) without repetition:

1. thank the authorised officer kindly,

2. apologise for the breach of the new code of conduct, and

3. launch into a performance of that perennial crowd favourite, A thousand and ten green bottles.

Topics: Local government regulations, NZ Bill of Rights Act, Protest speech | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Street-illegal”

  1. Rob Hosking Says:
    December 10th, 2008 at 7:27 pm

    Or if you really want to annoy people, a particularly long version of ‘Mcarthur Park’. I’ve heard people…well, OK, drunks…make it last that long.

    Also ‘Hey Jude’ and “American Pie’.


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